CGPM/GFCM - General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean  Description

The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean regulates fisheries in the Mediterranean, adopting ICCAT measures for swordfish and bluefin tuna, and is responsible for establishing study committees of a technical nature. It currently has 24 contracting parties.
The GFCM Agreement was adopted under Article XIV of the FAO Constitution, approved in 1949 and entered into force on 20 February 1952. It was amended in 1963, 1976 and 1997.
The main objective of GFCM is to ensure the responsible use of living marine resources, taking due account of the social, economic and environmental dimensions, and the sustainable development of aquaculture in the Mediterranean and Black Seas.  RFMO location and website

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM
Palazzo Bumenstihl
Via Vittoria Colonna, 1
00193, Rome Italy

Website:  GFCM Geographical Area of Coverage

FAO area – 37

 Source:  Fishing gears

  • Surface longline
  • Cage traps
  • Seines
  • Trawling  Species

All living marine resources in the area of competence (international areas and EEZ), including bluefin tuna and swordfish, species regulated by ICCAT for both the Atlantic and the Mediterranean.
Portugal is not a contracting party to the GFCM but benefits from two fishing licences via the European Union.  Sensitive species

The EU establishes annually fishing quotas for the most sensitive stocks in EU waters covered by the GFCM. (Regulation (EU) 2021/2002)
Portugal has not benefited from any of these fishing quotas.  Eligibility conditions

  • Possess a valid fishing licence pursuant to Article 6 of the Control Regulation (Regulation 1224/2009)
  • Application of the relevant IMO Vessel Identification System, if required under Union law;
  • The fishing vessel is not included in an IUU vessel list adopted by a RFMO and/or by the Union under the IUU Regulation;
  • The flag Member State has fishing opportunities under the fishing agreement concerned;
  • Has installed and operational a satellite monitoring system (VMS);
  • Has installed and operational a system for electronic completion and transmission of fishing logbook data;
  • Has valid navigability licences and certificates of conformity.  Specific legislation

Decisions and Recommendations approved annually by GFCM