APPS - UE/Guinea-Bissau

The protocol signed under this agreement expired on May 22, 2018, a situation that led to the departure of the European Union fleet from Sao Tome waters. Negotiations with the European Commission are currently suspended, pending their resumption at all times.



Direção-Geral de Recursos Naturais, Segurança e Serviços Marítimos (DGRM)
Avenida Brasília
1449-030 Lisboa Portugal
Phone: +351 213 035 700
Fax: +351 213 035 702

European Union (EU) Delegation in Guinea-Bissau
Bairro da Penha - Apartado 1122
CP 359 - Bissau Codex
Phones: +245 325 10 27;  +245 325 10 71; +245 325 14 69; +245 325 14 70; +245 325 14 71
Fax: +245 325 10 44

 Image (Area and Subareas)



The first Fisheries Agreement with Guinea-Bissau dates back to 1980. The current Fisheries Partnership Agreement (FPA) between the EU and Guinea-Bissau was concluded on 16 June 2007, automatically renewed (tacit renewal) for four-year periods.

On 10 February 2012, the European Union and the Republic of Guinea-Bissau initialled a new Fisheries Protocol. Due to the military coup on 12 April 2012, the adoption of the Protocol was suspended by the Council, a situation that persisted until the restoration of constitutional order. On 16 October 2014 the Council Decision on the signing of the Protocol and provisional application of the Fisheries Protocol was adopted.

It is a mixed agreement allowing the European Union fleet to catch not only migratory species, but also valuable demersal species.

Eligibility conditions


  • Hold a valid fishing license in accordance with Article 6 of the Control Regulation (Regulation 1224/2009)
  • Implementation of the relevant IMO vessel identification system, if required under Union law
  • The fishing vessel is not on a list of IUU vessels adopted by an RFMO and / or the Union under the IUU Regulation
  • The flag Member State has fishing opportunities under the fisheries agreement in question
  • Have a satellite monitoring system (VMS) installed and operational
  • Have a system for the electronic filling and transmission of fishing logbook data installed and operational
  • Have valid certificates of seaworthiness and compliance.

Modalities of the Protocol

  • Cat. 1. Fishing of fish / cephalopods: 3,500 GRT
  • Cat. 2. Shrimp fishing: 3,700 GRT
  • Cat. 3. Jumping and pole fishing vessels: 12 vessels
  • Cat. 4. Tuna seiners and surface longliners: 28 vessels.

Fishing Modalities available for Portugal

  • Cat. 2. Shrimp fishing: 1,060 GRT
  • Cat. 4. Surface longliners: 2 vessels.

Fishing gears

  • Shrimp fishing: bottom trawling (50 mm mesh size)
  • Fishing for fish and cephalopods: bottom trawling (70 mm mesh size)
  • Pole-and-line + purse seine + longline for targeting migratory species.

License Request

  • Each license application shall be accompanied by the following documents:
  • Proof of payment of the fee for its validity period and the amount provided for in point 13 of Chapter VII of Annex I to the Protocol
  • Any other document or attestation required under the specific provisions applicable to the type of vessel concerned under the Protocol.

Cost of License

  • Cat. 2. Shrimp: € 344 / TAB / year (increased by 4% or 2.5% in the case of quarterly or semester licenses)
  • Cat. 4. Surface longliners: € 3,500 / year (reference catch: 100 tonnes).


     License Request
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     Payment order
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Vessels authorized to fish in Guinea-Bissau waters under the Agreement shall board observers designated by Guinea-Bissau. At the time of payment of the fee, the shipowner shall pay to Guinea-Bissau, for each vessel, a flat-rate in the amount of € 6000/year, adjusted on a pro rata temporis based on the duration of the fishing authorizations of the designated vessels.

 Local Seafarer

Subject to the conditions set out in the Protocol each vessel shall embark:

  • Vessels with less than 250 GRT: 4 seamen
  • Vessels between 250 GRT and 400 GRT: 5 seamen
  • Vessels between 400 GRT and 650 GRT: 6 seamen
  • Vessels with more than 650 GRT: 7 seamen.


  • Cat. 2. Up to 50% cephalopods and fish, calculated on the basis of total catches made in the Guinea-Bissau fishing zone at the end of a fishing trip.
  • Cat. 4. Fishing for shark sharks (Cetorhinus maximus), Great White shark (Carcharodon carcharias), shark-footed shark (Alopias superciliosus), hammerhead sharks of the family Sphyrnidae (Carcharhinus longimanus) and Silky Shark (Carcharhinus falciformis). Fishing for Grey Nurse Shark (Carcharias taurus) and school shark (Galeorhinus galeus) shall be prohibited.

 Authorized areas

Beyond 12 nautical miles measured from the baselines, including the Guinea - Bissau / Senegal joint management zone, which extends north to azimuth 268 °.

Catch Reporting

All vessels authorized to fish in the waters of Guinea-Bissau under the Agreement shall be obliged to report their catches to the Ministry responsible for fisheries.


Any entry or exit from the Guinea-Bissau fishing zone of an EU vessel holding a fishing authorization shall be notified to Guinea-Bissau authorities within 24 hours in advance before entering or exiting GB EEZ. This timeframe shall be reduced to six hours for purse seiners and surface longliners.


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*In provisional application.

Aditional information

For additional information see here.


The information contained does not dispense with consulting the legislation.