

The International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, adopted in Brussels on 29 November 1969, as amended by the Protocol signed in London on 27 November 1992, regulates the liability of ship-owners for damage caused by the oil spill. It establishes the principle of the strict liability of respective owners, limited to an amount calculated according to the ship´s tonnage, and put in place a compulsory liability insurance scheme.

Its origin date back to the Torrey Canyon disaster in 1967 and the Amoco Cadiz accident, which occurred later, at a moment when the international community,  understanding that the civil liability regime then in force was not satisfactory (only limited liability) and did not correspond to the current reality in the transport of oil and the proportion of damages caused by accidents related to this transport, solves to adopt a new and innovative (not only limited liability but also imputed liability) civil liability regime.

 Scope of Application
The CLC Convention applies to pollution damage caused on the territory, including the territorial sea, and in exclusive economic zones of States Parties, established in accordance with international law or, where appropriate, in an area beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea of ??that State, determined by that State in accordance with international law, in area not more than 200 nautical miles from the baselines used to determine the breadth of the territorial sea.