
Decree-Law No. 8/2013, of 9 May - Agreement between the Portuguese Republic and the Kingdom of Spain for the Exercise of the Activity of the Artisanal Fishing Fleet of the Canaries and Madeira.

Decree No. 23/2021, de 22 de novembro - Agreement between the Portuguese Republic and the Kingdom of Spain on the Conditions for the Exercise of the Portuguese and Spanish Fleets in the waters of both countries.

Technical Measures Defined by the Spanish Authorities for the Gulf of Cadiz (zone 9a) and Cantabrian Northwest (zones 8c and 9a) – Luso-Spanish Agreement

https://www.dgrm.mm.gov.pt/documents/20143/31436/Icon_PDF_peq.png/f6d62d42-a5dd-20f6-8876-589cde7c0b2d?t=1516878339400 Download (705 KB)

Online service for request vessels - Inclusion in the list of Spain

Below is the list of vessels involved in the Agreement for consultation.

Continental Waters Agreement


  Guadiana Border Agreement

 Madeira-Canary Agreement